Referitor la trimiterea de pomelnice - in perioada epidemiei de coronavirus
Submitting prayer lists during this period (when we cannot serve in church)
Submitting prayer lists during this period (when we cannot serve in church)
Pentru a facilita trimiterea, dar mai ales colectarea pomelnicelor in aceasta perioada in care nu putem sluji la biserica, va rog sa imi trimiteti pomelnice folosind formularul de mai jos.
[To make it easier to send and receive prayer lists during this period, please use the form below.] In aceasta perioada exceptionala, va recomand sa pomeniti cu prioritate membi ai familiei, prieteni sau rude apropiate, persoane care v-au cerut sa va rugati pentru ei si, bineinteles, pe cei bolnavi. [During these extraordinary times, please try to prioritise on your prayer lists members of your family, close relatives and friends, people who have especially asked you to pray for them, and of course, those whom you know that are sick and suffering.] Multumesc, Pr Dragos |